
crimson tears


05-26-2014, 12:23 PM

She had blacked out at some point during her seizure, but her auditory senses remained. She heard the panic in their voices, the uncertainty, the fear. Eris came, serving to calm Sendoa if only slightly. The healer would know what to do. She had to. There came an order to stay back, and one to answer whatever questions they could. Who had been there first, that had been Lysis. Ah yes, the girl's sweet voice came just then, followed quickly by another - one that Sendoa's ailing mind could not identify. A snarl ripped from her lips - which she now thankfully had control of once more. Feebly she would lift her head, stiffly turning it to face the boy speaker. Jaws clicked shut as her emerald eyes peeled open to glare at him. ?Kill me and I'll rip your heart out with my final breath.? Such sinister words had left her tongue before she could control them - not that she would have wanted to in her current state. Her vision blurred and her head snapped audibly on the opposite direction, the bones and vertebrae in her neck creating a popping noise. ?Someone do something!? she cried in rasped and ailing tones. By some miracle, and certainly not by her own doing, her eyes fell upon Eris. ?Why is it so damned hot? Isn't it... isn't it winter?? Then it struck her. ?Fever, Eris. I'm burning with fever. I'm going to die if you fools don't do something!?
