
Can You Feel My Heart Beating



8 Years
05-26-2014, 06:15 PM

Long lanky legs carried the mottled brown, mud brown and black Psi Secondary along in slow, graceful strides. He had his mate back, and his sons were free of Glaciem, free to do what they wished with their lives. Kismet had had something he?d wanted to do first. As for Soren, Sarak imagined it would take the black and white male a little while to lose the reserved manner. Sarak would give them time. After all, it would give him some time to spend with Azalea.

As if on cue, her voice called out to him; from directly underneath him. A bit to the left. His passage halted, ears cocking, before a sly grin crossed his jaws and he ambled to the hole in the ground. Lowering to his stomach, he poked his head into the hole, moss green eyes seeking out her frame. A split second later, his nose was bombarded by the alluring scent that was definitely exuding from his lithe love. It was enough to send a quiver down his spine and glaze his eyes with a more primal instinct, but he shook it off with some minor difficulty. He wasn?t some brute like Isardis or a wolf from Blackmoon anymore. He was Azalea?s mate, and her most trusted friend. He wouldn?t risk that, not for all the release in the world.

?Hello, my star. You called?? A Cheshire cat grin pulled over his face, his tail wagging behind him as he looked down at her. It wasn?t often that he could see many wolves from above. Gods, she was beautiful, even splayed out like a pup freshly fed. ?What can I do for you, beautiful one?? That silken, seductive purr thrummed in his words once more.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think