
>> we will all burn together.


05-26-2014, 08:19 PM
[Image: 20eokhj.png]



Sliding beneath foliage like a snake into the darkness, this rugged brute of a wolf pressed forward with his footsteps. Wide-set paws sinking into chilled earth, mud seeping between his toes and pulling around his obsidian feathered feet. Elegant brute, lean in stature and heavy in build at the same time pushed himself up from under dense, rain ridden ferns and fauna. Moving slowly as to not disturb the earth around him, he would sink deeper every once in a while, hitting a low plain, filling him to his belly with a staining shield of mud flowing up around his hocks and elbows. A sigh of frustration would exit his maw as his tail would flick up in a moment of trying to rid himself of the filth. Pulling forward he would pull his lips from the ivory's they sheathed, only in a twisted form of expression that allowed him to focus and pull himself from the dreaded hole to a shelf of mossy dirt. His obsidian pelt would shake in an attempt to rid himself of the putrid filth now sticking to him. On the bright side, it wasn't as noticeable as it could be as his figure's hue tone matched it almost fully.

A sigh would push from his lungs as he jaunt forward into a steady jog above the earth, allowing mud to trail behind him sporadically as he walked. A huff of a grunt escaping his lower vocals.