



05-26-2014, 08:46 PM

The woman was a beauty. With each step the Gods thanked her for her pressance. With each movement men withered. She was a Goddess, or even much more. Her fur was full of shades of grey like ash and white like snow. But, upon her head was an arch of gold that slithered from above her eye then down to her muzzle. The burst of color gave her a regal look, she could thank her cursed father for. Nephele slithered through the forest with a watchful eye. She had recently caught up with her half-sister, Artemis, which excited her. But, until any plans were made the woman would stay on the down low. Maybe she could find her other siblings. Nova even. But, she would not worry to much in those moments. The girl was facing a fear of hers. Those lovely cyan orbs peered down at the waterr below. She was upon the Fjord. Why? She did not even know. The female had found her way there by chance and she hated heights. The minx could just imagine her beautiful body plummeting to the ground. It was difficult and horrible. The babe then reverted her eyes away and continued on into the forest. For some reason in the back of her head she continued to think about what could happen if she fell. Even when she got deeper and further away. The dove did not dwell much longer for she found a lovely hollow tree she would make her friend. The elegant fae slithered into the tree and plopped down onto the slightly moist ground. Her two toned tail slithered to her side, fluffing up on her legs. She rolled her lovely shoulders and let her eyes shut. Rain sprinkled down, making a lovely background sound for a nap. But, she would only doze off into a light sleep. "Speech"