
>> we will all burn together.



05-26-2014, 09:04 PM

Nephele was an odd creature. She had been on her own for a while, but it did not really bother her. She kept her head down and staid alone. She did not really know where any of the other Elysium children staid, nor did she fret. The girl had seen Artemis, but she would enjoy to see her closer sibling Nova, as well. The woman hated cascade, just because. The bitch took to much attention away from her. It was petty but it truthfully bothered the tri-toned femme. The woman had because very aware that she was beautiful and people loved to look at her. She desperately wanted to that girl everyone wanted to know. And, she was working that way very fast. Her and Artemis had much in common, a thirst for power. They both wanted to be leaders. But, maybe they could make that work. Nephele could see herself making political desicions quite easily, and thinking about things very thoroughly. She also could see herself running a very tight nit pack of only the best. The little girl would also not be opposed to spreading the name of Elysium to put more loyal subjects beneath her paws. But, all would come with due time.

The darling babe would growl with each step. Her paws would sink into the mud with such dismay. Bits of mud shot up with each pad fall. The girl was awfully annoyed already. Her ears were back and her tail was nearly between her legs. Nephele was a very picky girl and mud was not her thing. The female hated anything that did not compliment her looks, and mud was just horribly gross. The nymph would stop and shake her fur out before continuing once more. But, a stride would be cut in half as more paw steps were heard. She quickly inhaled the brisk air, in search for a scent and she found one. That of a male. The babe then began to trace the steps of the man before an ebony brute came into sight. The gal rolled her lovely shoulders and cleared her throat quickly. She hoped the simple noise would alert the male of her pressance, but show she was no threat. (At that moment.) The babe smiled and let her tail rise from between her legs. "Hello, sir." Her vocals were so sweet, as if it were a song. She would be able to lure him in quickly.
