
My dear, my Guanine pig

Orchid I


5 Years
05-27-2014, 06:42 AM

The healer was beyond greatful when the red queen showed up. Othello had done good it seemed in expressing the urgency and had also brought along some herbs. Her eyes flashed To sol, who despite Orchid's instances that everyone leave for the healer to work in peace had still stuck around. After that glance she didn't pay that brother any more attention - she could not when Scorpion required it of her so fully. He was hallicunating and his actions and words strange and jerky. She attempted to soothe him between assesing, diving elliminating and deciding upon herbs

The red queen was quick to enter the den and wasted no time before indicating her herbs. She gave a quick jerky nod and relief quickly flushed her feathures - at last they could start to get somewhere. She found herself agreeing with Yarrow, there was the external bleeding she couldn't even tell if their was internal and was definitly terrified of brain damage. Yarrow made sense to her, and in the next heartbeat Vi was mentioning Wolfsbane and a half smile touched the girls lips, the queen well knew her herbs and their scents. Her Wolfsbane was in the poisions, but she knew its uses in small doses as a sedative. "Its in that niche there" she said, pointing with the tip of the nose at one of the small fisures in the wall that surved as her storages to seperate and store her herbs. She didn't grab it because she was already busy nosing through the small group of herbs she herself had brought out and ummed so terribly over. She dismissed a few now after her Queens choice and pointed at the Elderberry "Especially if where throwing posions in there and since we dont know fully what where dealing with help from his immune system would be a blessing. I think the Elderberry would go down well" she mused as she grabbed it in her muzzel and stuck it next to the queens Yarrow and glanced at her for approval. "Actually, I recemmend all members getting a dose of that since we, or.. I still dont know how its travelling and effecting.." she mused, another glance at the queen to see if this had been figured out yet.
