
Living Dead Girl



10 Years
05-27-2014, 09:02 AM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2014, 09:02 AM by Ara.)

Ara knew she would've easily risked her own well-being for her parents, and even for her siblings, without a second thought -- but for Novel? She was a friend, perhaps even her closest companion besides her family, but she was just that. If what she had truly was contagious, she could already be getting sick, and staying here would only prolong her exposure to the illness. But she couldn't imagine leaving now, and leaving her alone. She struggled to keep her breathing even, knowing it would only make matters worse if she worked Novel into more of a panicked state. That was the last thing she needed right now.

She could only hope that her closeness would bring her some relief. She was so overwhelmed with fear, it seemed, that she could barely communicate what exactly hurt and any other symptoms she might have. They would certainly come out in due time, but even now Ara knew there was little she could do for her. Her store of herbs had not traveled well so far from home, but she trusted the pack's healers would figure out something to ease her suffering. But she would be here for her, and comfort her as best as she could. Physical affection wasn't exactly familiar to her, besides the kind of affection she had always been shown from her parents -- but she continued to lick Novel's cheek, feeling her body relax beside her.

"Novel?" she started, her voice hushed and gentle, wanting to bring her thoughts away from the present. "Do you remember the place we first met? The willow trees?" They'd been young then, but that place had all but sparked Ara's interest in plants and herbs. It had been her first time away from home, and she had seen so many new flowers and trees. "We should find that place again soon." It was a happy thought, and she hoped she could let Novel's mind wander even if only momentarily.