
Death Before My Eyes


05-27-2014, 03:08 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2014, 03:12 PM by Sonrisa.)
OOC: So did Sonrisa and don't apologize, this is what I asked for when I threaded with him, remember? ;)

The beast would grumble with appreciation as the male spoke once more. He spoke of raw beauty, not the type adorned with lace and chiffon, but raw and naked beauty like the scar that cracked her face. Like the dark cape of night that covered her coat. Like the breathtaking horror in her crooked grin. That same grin put a strange light in her eye as she stared back at him, their bodies so close and warm. "Such lovely words for such a wicked brute," she murmured, still unwilling to believe what he had said. The woman had always craved beauty, to be complimented and adored even in her hideous state. And now, as this male looked at her with desire, a shiver of pleasure rolled down her spine. Perhaps it was true. Maybe she really was beautiful, a gorgeous woman under the broken ripples her reflection had become. Her smile seemed to drip with venom as she absorbed his words. "I suppose you could. But do you really want this? Do you want me?" Her voice was draped in mockery once more as she stepped away, removing the intensity that had gathered between them. She took a few steps before stopping again and looking over her shoulder. His head had raised defiantly, representing the sincerity of his words. He would take her by force.

How delicious.

Sonrisa would step closer again, yet not completely returning to his side. Her ebony tail would lick teasingly at his ankles, a reminder of her previous gesture. "There will be no need for you to fight me. I want you as badly as you want me." Just the thought of his teeth digging into her scruff gave her chills, imagining the ecstasy she would feel when he owned her completely. The weight of this male pressed against her back. She held in a low moan. "I'm all yours, Creedance..." she purred, leaning against his side. She craved his touch. She craved his moans. She craved all of it. Everything. Right now.
