
Live That Fantasy


05-27-2014, 03:50 PM

The snowy maiden was weaving clumsily through the woods that night, her soft laughter echoing in the air. She had made the mistake of tasting an unknown herb, one that had seemed harmless. She was an experienced healer and should have known better, of course, but such was life. We live and we learn, she told herself again, followed by another stream of giggles. Besides, no regrets could come from this. She would only gain the knowledge of a new herb, one that could come in handy later on as a type of anesthesia, perhaps, or a mild painkiller. It all depended on the dosage. And maybe Adelaide had tasted a bit too much. But what the hell?

The snowy woman would pad through these magical woods a bit longer, taking in the beauty of it all. She felt as though she was walking on air, floating high above the scene and watching the fool below. But it was amusing, really, to see a grown wolf dancing like a pup, and so the laughter continued until a hushed silence followed. She hadn't really crashed, not yet, but the high seemed to pause as she caught an unfamiliar scent on the wind. For a moment, she was herself again. There was a numbing ache in the back of her skull, and she swayed on her feet. "Is somebody there?" the ivory maiden called, only to hear her own voice and begin laughing once more.