
Wipe away my tears


05-27-2014, 08:34 PM

It wasn't often that he worried, especially about Cataleya but now he was just that. Worried. Her face was covered in blood though it looked like it was coming about as fast as tears would, a few droops dripping down her face every few seconds. But it had been going on a white, some of the older blood already drying while the fresh blood continued to roll down and either mat in the fur of her face or fall to the ground. She was confused, out of it and words slipped from her lips that Kylar didn't quite know how to answer. What had happened? He had no idea... He had no idea what was happening. For a moment his jaw would unhinge, looking like a fish out of water as he searched for words to describe what was happening to her. She began to shake and Kylar would take a step towards her, wanting nothing more then to support her, but then logic struck him and he turned to look at his daughter. Pain seemed to radiate from his gaze before he looked back to Cat. She asked about Basanti and he would sigh, watching her as she began pacing. "She's fine. She's here. And she's worried about you. I'm worried about you." He said earnestly, ears folding back.

But she went right into alpha mode, making a plan already as she continued to pace. "The pack needs to be called, the sick quarantined if necessary. We need to alert our allies. We need to find a cure." She said and Kylar sighed, trying to get himself in the right frame of mind as well. He had to start figuring things out, had to start making a plan. He had to find a cure. "Okay. Lets call the pack. Stay downwind of everyone if you can. We don't know if this is contagious." He said slowly before reopening his eyes only to find her staring at him oddly. "Cat?" He asked slowly, stepping backwards as if she might attack. But that look... Would she attack? He kept backing up until he was standing before Basanti, ready to protect her if needed.