
I sang my princess fast asleep

Twig I


05-27-2014, 09:27 PM

Seeing Madieke was a shock to her system, the girl was obviously scared. Something had happened. Twig didn't know if she could handle anymore loss, Themisto was barely gone for a week. She would push guilty thoughts from her mind, focusing on Angel and the tears that would begin to stain her pelt. Twig would draw the girl in, her worries threatening to spill out. She would sob as Alpine returned to Twig's side, his comforting presence keeping her from sobbing as hard as her sister. Angel would tell her the news and she would nearly fall to here knees there on the sand. She wanted more than ever to just be in Alpine's grasp within the oases. She wanted the world to just be her and her protector, she was through feeling so drained and lifeless. Madieke's description of the symptoms would grant her no better feelings as a hopelessness threatened to overwhelm her. Tears would fall slowly from her cheeks as she held her sister close. Unsure of the future.
She wanted to go back that second, she wanted to see her big brother an help him get better. He had to get well, she couldn't stand losing him too. "Can't the healers help them? Does no one know a cure?" she felt desperate and weak in face of such danger. Madi's attention would shift to Alpine, her gaze untrusting. "Angel, he's okay." she would nuzzle the tender girl lovingly before looking back to the holder of her heart. "My mate, Alpine." her words were only a bit strained as she made the introduction. "But we have to go back, we have to help Jinxx." she would lick her sister's cheek wondering if she was strong enough to make the trek again.?
