
Soothing waters, soothing company



7 Years
05-28-2014, 01:06 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She settled still against him, smiling away as he went on to repeat her own feelings. She should have known what she felt he did too. They were lucky in that way, she thought, bonded so deeply that even this they shared. It was so unlike her previous relationship, unlike any relationship that she could have imagined. And he was absolutely right. They were happy, the happiest Tahlia could remember being at any point in her life. The fact they were rogues, exiles, was of no consequence to her in these moments. For all she felt she might as well have been queen of their new domain.

Her skin tingled where his paw trailed and a short series of low giggles sprang up from the sensation. Only when he brought his muzzle to hers did she stop, far too distracted by his intruding, intimate kiss to express the giddiness she felt with him. Her heart sped at the still new gesture, a quick breath drawn in. She only managed another soft, "Mmm," before her tongue pressed back against his, spurred into action by the feel of his body rumbling with his growl against her. He was close enough for her to feel almost every vibration, and she did love that feeling, that sound, so very much.

Her forepaw lifted and came to rest against his side, tempted to pull him close again although with as close as he had scooted himself already she was not sure it would have made much of a difference. "Do you try to make me breathless?" she asked, indeed beginning to sound that way as she drew slightly away from their kiss, the suggestion of a impish smile curving up the corners of her mouth, "Or is that just your luck you speak of?"