
Come One, Come All

Twig I


05-28-2014, 08:29 AM

Jinxx had not returned her loving embrace, and she would try not to think anything of it. He had just returned from the long journey with Erani and it was likely he was just tired. Crucifix would come shortly after, nudging her shoulder and taking a seat next to Odette. He would not be able to find a seat by her when she sat between Jinxx and Alpine. She would smile at him lovingly, but in her core a fear would begin to rise up. Twig would become distracted by Jinxx moving away from her. He'd not even given a greeting to she and Crucifix, but would find their father's form and embrace him. She didn't know what was going on with Jinxx, but she was glad their father was present. Chrysanthe would find them next, she didn't think Jinxx would be back so Twig would let Crucifix scoot into the previously held seat so Chrysanthe and her companion would have room to sit. She would offer a pleasant smile to the distraught girl, quietly wondering if she was alright. Finally, a friend of Odette's would appear. A giant horse that towered over her and the other wolves sitting by the girl. She would push herself even farther into Alpine's side, completely oblivious to the death stares he was getting from lyric's family. Another horse would appear, this one obviously still a foal. The girlish voice squealing Odette's name as she came galloping to them. Twig would stare wide eyed behind Alpine's shoulder as Erani came to stand beside him. Twig would notice then the look in her eye, and she could feel her hackles rising unintentionally. Whatever the queen had said to her friend Twig did not like it. She would nuzzle his shoulder comfortingly as Erani left them again.
Not much more time would pass before Erani started the meeting, her cool voice greeting them all as her announcements would flow from pale lips. She would speak of Alpine's great deeds, and Twig would grow ever more suspicious of Erani's actions towards him. Her coat had calmed though, obviously she hadn't meant any harm while the pack was gathered. Twig would listen to all that was said, especially the naming of the horses that had gathered so close to her. Erani would go on to explain ranks, introduce new members, including her and her family. Though she would not stand up to be recognized. Finally though she would hand the floor over to Sephiroth, a male she knew not of but obviously held an authority. He would go on to announce training in battle, and she knew that she wanted to show up. After the surprise attack she received she knew she needed to brush up on her battle prowess. Was that where she was to be called? A warrior rank alongside alpine maybe? It still didn't feel right, she was so small.. She just wanted to protect herself, she wanted to be stealthy and unseen. When he called for training she would come. Leaning back into Alpine she hoped they would be dismissed, it had been a lot of excitement for one day and the girl was starting to grow weary.?.
