


04-02-2013, 12:13 AM

Vaas watched her as she watched him. He noticed how she tried so hard to hide her emotions, just like everyone else. You know what Vaas always said? 'Run with the colors your born with!' That was his motto. Sort of? He didn't fucking know. But he did know he liked the women, the way she carried herself just screamed Alpha, he liked that. Vaas loved women, all of them. Weak and strong, to him women ruled the world and deserved to be pampered. In his eyes if you have a pussy you were goddess. But that was just him and his fucked up point of view, a point of view he took pride in. She said something about his skin that made him laugh, and that was hard to do. "Hahahaha, ohhhh I like you, you can make me laugh." He said insanely as he walked a bit closer and sat down. Looking at her. "Oh my dear goddess...demon...whatever you call yourself i don't give a fuck, ill call you whatever you want me too." He said enthusiassitcly. "What i want nonononono what i want is many things, a family, a decent fucking conversation. Hell ever something to do is nice." He said as if fantasizing it. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before looking back at her again. "Thats about it, so what brings you here to the great shadow fucking forest hu? Just checking the sites?" He asked with a chuckle.