
Breaking the Ice



05-28-2014, 03:43 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 03:43 PM by Dayton.)

Dayton had been exploring for the past two days, and this morning he chose to stray beyond the borders of Tortuga. There were many interesting lands here, and he wanted to familiarize himself with each one. After all, the north territories were his home now.
Small feet padded across a strange sculpture of ice that pressed its way between two tall mountain peaks. There was a gently chilling wind that blew threw here, keeping the flooded lands frozen and still. It was eerily still here. Tops of trees broke through the hard ice, begging to grow higher but being kept in their prisons. Dayton moved his delicate frame around each of the sharply needled points, his body disappearing and reappearing behind the dark green branches.

The boy had been feeling more confident lately. Making more friends in Tortuga seemed to have helped with this, and what was more, he had found a mate. But he hadn't seen Misha these past two weeks. It was like she had vanished. His mind went back a bit, thinking of how much they had shared with each other as they'd curled up under the waterfall. Or that night they had spent on the beach together. But then she had broken down and run away, leaving Dayton on his own. Perhaps he would find more company elsewhere. He felt a twinge of fear at the thought of encountering another wolf out here on this ice, trapped and with no escape. But he quickly tried to drown the thoughts. Things would turn out fine.
