
Oh Glory, Come And Find Us


05-28-2014, 06:56 PM

Destruction would wait, ears perked as she waited for someone, anyone to show. She hadn?t seen Arian since the day before, when she had got up and walked around a bit despite her injuries. The fae was stubborn... And she supposed it didn?t matter anyway. Her leg was going to be left with a limp, she was sure of it, and the rest of her wounds would take time to heal as well. They were deep... It would take quite a bit of time to heal. Most of the season for sure. She would give a soft sigh, tail curled around her form as she waited for someone, anyone to show.

Her single crimson ringed orb would settle on Aiden as he approached. He was the first to arrive, and she certainly hoped he would not be the last. She knew there were not many Seracians... Or those who might linger around after the claiming. She hoped, however, to see Rohini, Squall, Dragon, and of course Arian... Praying nothing had fallen to those wolves. She wasn?t sure if Aeil would ever show... The woman had been missing for quite some time now. That did, honestly, make he wonder if Dragon might come... But the others? She hoped and prayed that they would be able to.

He would sit on her left, nosing her jaw gently. She would lean against him slightly, to be able to feel him just a bit better. It was bad side... Her sightless side... But knowing he was there with her made the woman feel stronger. She would speak softly, words rumbling as she spoke to him. ?I want to see if any of the old Seracians have lingered behind... If any of them are not certain of this new pack but don?t know where to go or what to do. I may have lost my title... Their home... But I will not abandon them if they still choose to stand with me. I want to see what would be decided... To set out as a group of rogues, join a new pack together, or go our separate ways. I for one do not feel that I am able to stay here... As much as it pains my heart to have the pack taken.? The woman would sigh. ?Now even those of us with loved ones buried here can not come to pay our respects...? Her tone, especially at this, sounded broken. Dillinger... Her son... She had failed him as well... Having to leave his grave behind to these strangers.