
Stay Frosty

Aria I


04-02-2013, 01:02 AM

She watched him, waiting, wanting to know what he thought about her idea on meeting up again. What he said though greatly disappointed her. We will meet again... maybe in another life. I'm not sure how long I can last Aria, but... if I do die before we meet again. I'm glad I could have this one moment... of happiness. She didn't know what to say to that, would could say? Brows furrowed, eyes narrowing as she felt the anger within her start to boil. Did he have no faith in himself? Was he really stupid enough to let something happen to him? Her body grew tense, slowly, starting to tremble as she held herself together. She watched the tears form, leaning over and licking a few of them. Darsha... She slammed a paw against the ground, if she had a tail it would be lashing behind her. How can you say that?... It would only be a few days, not very long. She tried telling him, ears laying back on her head as she tried to think of something that would keep him going longer.

She took a step back, looking away from him. How could he say such a thing to her. She was really enjoying his company, even starting to like him. Darsha, come with me! She suddenly barked, turning to him with a serious look on her face and in her voice. She hoped he would at least come with her then, have a couple more days to live. Ludicael is not a large pack, and the Sol will not turn you away. She went on, that anger being replaced with excitement, practically bouncing on her paws. I can teach you to hunt! You will be a Lunav with me. Well, not for long. I would like to become a lead Warrior, maybe even a Beta at some point. Either way you would be right there with me! What do ya say? She was excited now with her idea, she knew the Sol would accept him, increase Ludicael's numbers. She just hoped he would go with her, instead of going back to how he was and dying within days.


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