


04-02-2013, 01:04 AM
Blood, it dripped into the pool, swirling and churning and twisting in her mind. Who did the blood belong too? She closed her eyes and shuddered at the thought. All she could remember was snow falling with patches of blood or was that a coat? She blinked as the memory pushed against the fogging of her mind. Her face was lost to the illusion. Her ear twitched as she heard muffled words. Who is that? Why can?t I hear their words? the thoughts tugged at her consciousness. She needed to focus but why? The mist was so inviting. If she just walked into the darkness it would claim her. Bring her back to the other side. Where he waited for her.

She could hear his voice in the distance if she really listened. He missed her. She turned blank eyes back to the male at hand. He was still talking? His mouth was moving but she heard nothing. She read demon on his lips. Her violet eyes narrowed at the word. Perhaps it was appropriate. She was a behemoth, a monster, a freak and she remembered they called her that. Her ears fell back for a moment, as the rage seemed to steal its way into her throat. She could taste the fire in her mouth. She had to swallow it. She tried but she couldn?t. Help the growl escaped her muzzle. It was her only warning as she lunged for the male. She used all her weight to push him over. Her lips were curled backwards as she growled in his ear. The rumble filled her body and made her unborn cubs shiver.

Her jaws snapped once, close enough to grab fur but not enough to grab his skin. Blood filled her mouth as a tooth sunk into her tongue. Her breathing became labored as she listened to the blood in her mouth. It sang to her senses. Brought her memories to the front of her mind and she was left looking at the male she had only moments before been amused by. Why was he below her? Her violet eyes filled with confusion as she stood above him. Her nose pulled in the aromas of woods and male and blood. It was always the blood that brought her back. ?Cerberus?s cum guzzling whore!? she said horrified. She slowly withdrew herself off the male. Embarrassment filled her gaze for a moment until she remembered who she was. She was a queen now. The mad queen but a queen nonetheless.

?The world just broke for a moment.? She muttered more to herself then to him. When did it break? She had thought it was recovering. Apparently her mind wanted to remind her that she was indeed mad and the madness didn?t simply just vanish as the world around her became reborn. Her tail flicked behind her as she remembered the question he had asked her before. ?I was looking for the prince of blood and snow.? She said lamely, though she had other reasons for wandering the free lands. She was queen but she needed subjects and what better way then to look for them herself?