


05-28-2014, 07:57 PM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2014, 02:53 PM by Liste.)
Your Name:

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34 inches, 130 lbs

Phim will inherit most of her mother's coloring, but her father's build. Her pelt will be almost entirely black, with white coating her ears, chest, stomach, and running a thin strip from her nose down her back and tail. A few white flecks will be scattered through the fur on her hind toes, but they will be almost entirely unnoticeable unless you stare at her feet for a length of time. She will have the same forest green eyes as her grandfather, perhaps the reason for her name O:)

As a pup, Phim will grow disproportionately like her father, her paws being oddly large for her body at first. By the time she reaches a year old the rest of her will start to catch up, but until then she will be very insecure about her giant feet. She will thus be lazy and eat a lot, making her a very pudgy pup. She will eventually grow to 34 inches tall but have a very stocky build, weighing around 130 lbs. She will replace all of her puppy fat with lean muscle after working hard to prove that she is capable of being a leader some day. As a result of her build she will be very strong and powerful, but also slower than most other wolves her height. (219)

First things first, Phim will be a daddy's girl through and through. As a pup, she will follow him around and often try to copy him. She will teach herself to portray confidence through this manner, though beneath the surface their similarities will end until she ages. As a child, Phim will lack self-confidence, but act like she has a big ego in order to put off anyone who would make fun of her and to show that she can handle herself. Inside, she will long for friends and the company of her family. She will also be very sensitive, especially to the emotions of others, but keep her feelings hidden under a guise of being self-centered. Those who do not take the time to understand her will generally assume she's a spoiled bitch. Only her sibling, and perhaps her parents, will see the imaginative, curious, and loving side of her as a child.

As Phim gets older, she will begin to show how much she cares for others by constantly offering a helping hand. Her confidence will become real as she strives to one day lead and to show others that she deserves praise and appreciation. She will be completely and utterly devoted to her family and will do everything in her power to make sure they are well. She will continue to be curious for her entire life, always adventuring and investigating. To all of Alacritia, she will be known as nothing less than a determined and caring individual. (253)