
Look what the cat dragged in



11 Years
05-28-2014, 08:13 PM
The elder noted her snarl, having expected it. Alena's charge wasn't, her muzzle reaching under and firmly grabbed his neck. The wind was knocked out of him as she put him onto his back and her fangs tightly around his neck, the elders forelegs pressing against her chest to try and get out from under her. Her own paw found his chest however and she firmly pressed down on his sternum. The way she sneered at him, the maliciousness in her amethyst eyes made him cease a snap aimed across her nose. Alena mentioned how he couldn't imagine the torture she went through, and yet Bane could. The minor things before the eruption, and the weeks after trying to eat through a muzzle.

Bane gave a shiver at the feeling of her fangs grazing along through the fur on his throat. They way she brought her fangs together and how close she had touched him made the wolf flinch. The pinned male shifted a hind paw along the inside of her hind leg, getting ready to kick off. At her laugh he paused, uncertainty going through his mind at the fact she had smelled him. Alena would definitely smell the pack scent on him, and his safety, or a packed revenge should she kill him was assured. And so he relaxed, even as the white she-wolf nosed her muzzle along his cheek and sent her fangs along his skin, Bane didn't resist. He felt the claws dig into his chest and heard the death threat, registering that his once-mate had nipped the ear she'd been whispering into.

She released him. As he knew she would. Even if it was sudden the she was leaving, Bane was a bit saddened. Sure a part of him was irked that she had assaulted him and told him to live happily ever after. But he had wanted to hear more despite what she told him already. He felt sorry for her. And as the elder watched her white pelted figure disappear into the bushes the opportunity to ask that she join Ebony was lost. Bane shook himself off and stared at the place she had vanished. A thankful aroo was given with a toss of his head as he headed back to his pack, and wished Alena luck.

-Exit Bane-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•