
Race the world

Motif I


4 Years
05-28-2014, 08:51 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2014, 02:38 PM by Motif I.)

Her brothers playful swipe only made her grin that little wider. She ducked from it and stuck her tongue out at her brother. His words however would bring a more serious tone to the moment and she would sober and still. He spoke about an illness traversing the packs and she shuddered at what he said bleeding from their eyes? it sure didn?t sound pleasant. Her brow furrowed as she rocked backwards on her hunches and looked at carefully now at her own brother ? as he had done to her. She could catch no evidence of the symptoms he spoke of, but then she hadn?t expected to find any.

He reached his hind paw over to scratch his ear and she giggled again at the goofy figure he made. She adored her brother to death and that entitled her to right to laughter. He could only imagine the image of a little pup following her brother around and annoying the living hey outa him. She laughed again, a carefree sweet sound that showed the world her tieless nature.

Her brother next spoke agreement to her and her grin only widened she knew it would be greatly more fun to chase the sunsets with her goofy brother in toe. No doubt he would trip up and get a face full of sand ? she hoped so, it would only give her more ammunition. She stuck her tongue out at him again and settled her head into her paws ? it looked like they would be staying here the night. ?No one that?s stuck around? she admitted, her faint smile leaving traces of warmth to her features. ?Aside your ?girl? found anyone of interest yourself??
