
There is NO cure


05-28-2014, 09:22 PM

Silence is all that remains in the air polluted by disease (unbeknownst to the phantom queen) as the child?s vehement motions cease altogether, leaving the paladin dissatisfied and without the information she had desired. Cryptic gaze rests stagnant upon the devil?s delicate facial features, pupils devouring every inch of her countenance with fervor as her twitching subsided and her blackened lids fell to obscure the crimson depths beneath as she drifted in and out of consciousness before finally slipping into oblivion. Transfixed by the oddity placed so vulnerably before her after witnessing such a chaotic performance, the former tyrant could do little but stare soundlessly at her stilled form, the forepaw she had so effortlessly draped across the babe?s ribcage falling back to the safety of the earth once more as she straightened her posture. Releasing a singular and exasperated sigh, the phantom pulled herself from the demon?s side with one last glance at her stained visage, having breached a decision to leave her to the vultures. After all, there was little gain in saving the life of the babe?or so the prodigy was wont to believe at first.

It was in that moment between abandoning the babe?s side and moving to exit the scene that the thought of the child?s family occurred to the maleficent deity, impregnating her mind not with guilt, but an idea. Surely the life of the demon meant something to somebody, and surely the prodigy could use this for her own benefit. Halting abruptly in her tracks, devious scheme in mind, the phantom pivoted, gliding back to fill the void she had left at the devil?s side before encasing her scruff between ruthless jaws and lifting her limp body from the weathered earth. A muffled grunt resounded in her throat as she supported the babe?s weight with her own teeth, pace slowing noticeably as she moved to flee the area, child in tow.

? ? ? ? ? --exeunt artemis with fiamette