
Winters Soothing Kiss



9 Years
05-29-2014, 01:32 AM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2014, 01:33 AM by Dart.)
OOC: Posting order after Dart is: Bane, Tahlia, Kailos, Ballad.

Small paws would carry him eastward, the snow falling lightly upon his pelt. He had heard through the grapevine, an illness sweeping the lands. He was scared, afraid of contracting the illness from any other living creature...and yet, he was not totally sure that it was even contagious. He walked along the borders of what he could only assume was wolf territory, for the stench of their kind was thick and heavy in the air. He would glance towards it every so often, a lake coming into his view. Tongue swiped at his jaws, would they get mad if he went in for a drink and left? He drew closer, glancing around before debating the border crossing. And finally, his parched throat would win over. With hesitance, he crossed the scent markers, aiming straight for the lake as quick as he could. Paws sunk into the snow at some points, and he would hop out until he reached the lake. He glanced around warily as he lowered himself to take a drink. Tentatively, he would lap the water up. All the while crimson eyes darted around to make sure he wasn't ambushed.

It was then he heard a series of growling and angry barking, causing the boy to jump slightly as he glanced around. Standing on his hind legs, he rose up to see what had caused the commotion, and not far off were a pair of wolves who seemed to be in some sort of engagement, albeit an unfriendly one. Head tilted slightly as he thought that perhaps he should leave, but it wasn't until another form caught his eye that he would remain there. Sniffing the air, he could sense that something was off, the strong tang of blood and illness wafted towards him. Fur rose along his body, fear slightly rolling off of him from the sick scent. It smelled strong, and he knew that someone over there was sick. Lowering himself, he would make his way over. Quickly, yet still hesitant. Hopefully, none of the wolves would attack him, he had bad experiences in the past with wolves, but he needed to see what this illness was, and even more so, who it was that was sick. As he approached, he saw blood staining the snow. And his worry would grow as he saw it leaking from the eyes of a startled white she-wolf, even more so when he saw blood upon the face of the young pup lying in the snow.

He approached, body somewhat low and his crimson eyes on the more hostile figure. He sensed the child needed help, and he could only assume that the other she-wolf was the mother. Still, the child seemed to be in critical condition. He was bleeding from the eyes, and so Dart would rush near him but keeping a few feet of distance as he extended his neck to sniff at the child. Glancing up to the brown she-wolf, he would speak. "This child is in danger. If nothing is done soon he could die. I know some herbal knowledge, do you give me permission to take a look at him?" It was somewhat nerve wracking asking an angry wolf to let him get close to their offspring, but it was as plain as day that the boy needed help, and fast. Glancing back at him, he would fight the urge to close the distance between him and the boy, and he tried so hard if only to avoid an attack from the she-wolf. But he couldn't hold himself back, the child needed help. Now. He moved towards him, nose going over the boy as the intense stench of sickness rolled off him in waves, the child was shivering and seemed to have a fever. Once his inspection was done, he looked at the white she-wolf, nothing she too seemed to have similar symptoms. "She's sick too. I can try and help both, but first we need to get this child some place warm. Now." It was not a request, it was a demand.