
take me to church

Leon I


11 Years
05-29-2014, 04:06 AM

He had gone out early as usual, to patrol with Caerul. Sephiroth had decided to go beyond the borders, and Leon didn't blame him. The Beta had been feeling empty lately, the look in his eyes obvious. Leon hoped that Sephiroth would find happiness someday, just as he had. And now, he was on his way back home with a fat meal for his family despite the winter. He had managed to hunt with the Digamma on the way home, running into a fat hare that was nibbling at the last remnants of grass before the frost killed them off. Caerul had caught it, and gave it to Leon to feed his new family. With an eagerness he hadn't had before, the male seemed to feel energized as he ran the rest of the way home. He couldn't wait to see Ashtoreth, and more so his children. They had been asleep when he left, but surely they would be awake now? And hungry perhaps.

He would soon hear the sound of laughter. Young laughter. And it was clear that his children were indeed awake, and probably giving Ash a headache. He chuckled at the thought, it would be the first time the kids were outside of the den. Hopefully they weren't being too mean to their mother...He would come over the rise, stopping atop their den as he leaped down next to Ashelia who was standing by the entrance. Ashtoreth next to her as she answered Cador. He dropped the hare, nuzzling his mate before licking the top of Ashelia's head. "Good morning, Love." He murmured to his wife. "Good day so far?" He would nuzzle her again before then going towards Cador and Vaishya. His tail wagged as he lowered himself to the ground, rolling onto his back which then brought Ashelia running towards him and tackling him. "Hey kids! Not giving your mom too much trouble are you?" He had never felt so happy before. To him, it was indescribable. He lied there, wrestling with his children as laughter emanated from him.