
Sound of Pulling Heaven Down [B]

Twig I


05-29-2014, 11:03 AM

Slate covered paws would carry the girl farther from Valhallan territory. Her goal: daily hunting expedition to feed the sick wolves of the pack. She couldn't do much for them, for her brother, but she could hunt for them. One of the few skills she had, and had honed when separated from her family. As she walked the realities of life would swirl around her, the horrible thoughts of loosing Jinxx. The terrifying thoughts of what could be forming within her were loud. She wasn't afraid of children, she wanted them, so bad it hurt. She was afraid though, her body. There had to be something wrong with her body. Fern should have been alive, her beautiful tiny daughter should have lived. Twig would feel herself stifling a tear, she wanted her baby. She wanted to have Alpine's children, but she was so afraid for them. Could she live with herself if her body caused the loss of their children? A whine would leave her lips as she pushed the thoughts from her mind. She couldn't focus on that now. He needed to find food for her brother, for those that were in quarantine.
The cold had found its grip on the land, though so far south it wasn't as wretched as it could be. There was no snow on the ground, food was still plentiful for prey animals. However that didn't seem to be helping twig, her senses were alert. She had shoved unpleasant thoughts away, focus on the prey, that's what she needed to do. Orchid gaze would narrow, her ears twitching taking in every sound. Her paws were silent as the day, not even song birds would let out their call. Knees would bend as she caught a disturbance up ahead... Seemingly the only other creature in the forest.?

I can talk!