


05-29-2014, 11:50 AM


The woman would always be there for her brother through thick and thin. He was disgusting, red blood spewed from his purple orbs and gooped up under his eyes. He convulsed and shook. He was really warm, obviously running a fever. But, the girl loved Neios and would be there for him. As he mumbled her name the girl gasped and replied with urgency. "What is it, darling?" She sounded calm and frantic at the same time. The woman watched him with a close eye as he began to speak some more. "Disease... Plague... Contagious..." The woman would only have guessed. There are few things that could make such a large Wolf so sick. It muse be some sort of Plague. The ebony female nodded and licked his muzzle gently. "You will be fine, I promise. We will get you help." Nausica licked him once more, as if that would cure him then and there.

The man would then crash down to the ground below. He flopped over, suddenly, making a loud thud upon the earth. Nausica rushed to his side and stared at him with worry. Her eyes were wide and nearly wet from tears. But, she refused to cry. Only he would see such a thing. The man began to shake even more, his hand legs twitching and convulsing. The Saxe lady leaned down and listened to him before his voice raised into a thunderous shout. She was not phased by his anger. But, she would never run from him. The vixen would shake her head before raising it to the sky. The babe let forth a call to whoever would come. It was for his pack. It was urgent. The woman hoped someone would come. Her attention would return to her plagued brother with sorrow filled eyes. His eyes were rolled back and blood ran down his muzzle. "Neios, hang in there. Please brother, you will be fine! I promise." The woman leaned down once more and licked at the blood, hoping for the best.