
could've been a princess, you'd be a king


05-29-2014, 12:09 PM

Senka's relief was palpable when Kylar said that he would escort her. Though he seemed less than pleased by her 'request,' Senka herself hardly cared. "Thank you." It was rare for Senka to thank another, but she found the words falling from her maw without second thought. He was taking her to her mother, the wolf that she had come to these lands seeking, and for that Senka would owe him. And if he was the father of another litter of her mother's children, well, it was likely that Senka would be seeing a lot of him in the upcoming seasons.

She hesitated for a moment - it still wasn't too late to back out, she counselled herself. If she fled right now, it wouldn't be too late. But instead, Senka took a deep breath and stepped over the borders of the pack's territory, and followed after Kylar's pawsteps, allowing him to lead the way across the lands until they reached her mother's den. Senka's nostrils flared a little as she smelled the air that rolled out of the den, which fairly reeked of illness and blood, not a particularly pleasant combination. But despite the almost sickly sweet smell of disease twining with the metallic tang of blood, Senka stepped forward, inclining her head in Kylar's direction as she approached her mother.

It brought a strange mixture of emotions to the surface of Senka's mind to hear her mother address her. There was happiness there, stronger than many emotions that Senka had experienced, and a little bit of sadness at seeing her mother in this state, though her mother seemed determined not to show weakness. And Senka could see herself in the woman who stood before her; her carefully controlled body language hid all weakness, the self control that Senka's own echoed. She was her mother's daughter all right, Senka thought with a hint of amusement.

Her tail wagged slowly in the air, a conscious display of Senka's happiness at seeing her mother again. "I missed you too, mother." Strangely enough, Senka realized as she said it that that was the truth. She had missed her mother, though she hadn't realized it before this moment. Ignis had never had any true claim over her, though he had looked after her for a few seasons. "I've been all right... I trained while I was gone," She didn't want her mother to think that she had gotten soft, that she would not be able to contribute to the pack that she ruled. "But how have you been?" Senka took a half step forward, glancing from Kylar to her mother and back again. Was she allowed to approach her mother? How contagious was this sickness?
