
Sound of Pulling Heaven Down [B]

Twig I


05-29-2014, 12:46 PM

Slate backed ears were assaulted by the words of a rather large crow. Eyes would widen as she was able to make out the words he had said. She'd never been able to make out their words before, was this already an odd experience. She would look up at him, more curious now than hungry. Vibrant gaze would watch as the iridescent bird would turn, his black eyes falling on her. More words would come out of his beak as he hopped away from her. He'd insist that he was no good to eat, showing off his green crest to her. She would find a timid smile over her features as she let her haunches fall to the earth. "Have no fear, I'd much rather enjoy a plump rabbit to your feathers." he had caught her interest though, unless he flew off she didn't have any intentions of turning away. Apparently he would find interest in her as well, green feathered head bobbing as he tentatively brought himself closer.
The way he repeated the letter B made her to assume that was his calling. As he called her woof she would smile amusedly. He would go on, noticing her sadness, her worries must have been showing more than she thought. She would relax, obviously not interested in eating him with a proposition such as what would unfold. "That's not why I'm sad. And I'm not really sad, I'm... scared." she wouldn't linger on this statement for long, quickly letting her mind go back to hunting. "With your help I'll bet I could offer you a full rabbit for your services." She would nod, if he could tell her exactly where they were she could catch them. There wasn't much Twig was confident in anymore, but she never went hungry for long.?
