
Time Marches On



05-29-2014, 02:28 PM

It had been hard to hear of the sickness that ravaged the pack he had called home, and harder yet to be barred crossing to see them. He understood the need for quarantine when they weren?t even certain how it was spread or how the sick wolves had caught it. Knowing didn?t ease the worry in his gut at the thought of all the wolves he knew within the pack, and that their fates where unknown to him. Each morning he would lay his own rabbit down besides the offering Twig left for the pack. The gesture akin to placing his hand upon her paw and telling her they were in this together.

Days spent with Twig where a peace to his heart and mind despite the turmoil of the world around them. He had found for himself his entire heart?s desire and allowed himself utter selfishness in enjoying every moment by her side. The day had barely begun as he placed his own rabbit now over the one Twig had left for the Valhalla pack. He smiled at the scent of her that clung to it, gave Valhalla another parting glance before looping back to their den. He nudged his head inside and caught a glance of Twig. Hi smile became hesitant as he continued to take her in. ?Are you ok my dear?? the scent of her vomit touched the ear and his stomach flipped nauseatingly in his stomach. Oh god. Oh god. Had she caught the sickness? He flew to her side in a heartbeat, his own orbs searching hers, searching for any sign? ?My love?? he asked, his voice catching.

"Twig speech"
"Alpine speech"