
I'm not sick, but I'm not well [epidemic meeting]


05-29-2014, 03:22 PM

Something needed to be done about this plague, or Glaciem would meet its match and crumble at their paws. Liberty had no healing experience, and Ramses only knew simple healing techniques, nothing advanced enough to cure a disease. She knew Eris had some knowledge, and she could vaguely remember another apprentice the healer had at her side. What was her name again? Esperenza? She hadn't seen the ebony woman in a very long time, and feared she too had fallen ill with this sickness. Her mind was reeling with the what ifs, but she would keep her outward appearance cold and uninviting- her usual expression. Audits would perk at the call of her heir, one of the few higher ranking members other than herself whom hadn't fallen ill. "Ramses, lets go." She would call to her feline comrade, glancing back at him with her frigid azure eyes before taking off toward the call. Ramses would hastily follow his mistress, never straying more than a few steps behind her as they traveled through the thickly blanketed snow. The pair would reach the small gathering within a few minutes, approaching them with a step in their eager stride. Liberty was anxious to get a plan to find a cure initiated, and she knew Ramses would be by her side no matter what she had to face. She would remain silent until others had arrived, should anyone else chose to come that is. They may be the only healthy ones left.
