
Time Marches On

Twig I


05-29-2014, 03:34 PM

Alpine would support her through the ordeal, though she knew not how her friends fared. The comfort her mate would allow her would save her life, the worry she held over Jinxx's condition would have thrown her overboard otherwise. He would soothe her, hold her, and tell her that everything was going to be okay. She had to believe him, she had to cling to the hope that they would make it through. Her form would curl tighter in on itself as thoughts of her condition overtook her. Thoughts of loosing their heartbeats again.. She couldn't handle it, couldn't handle more tiny graves to visit.
The scent of alpine's presence would surround her, jolting her back to the den. Orchid gaze would peer up in time to see the Alpine's form slip into the den. His smile would out her fears to rest only a moment as his voice reached her ears. She should have known he would know she wasn't well as soon as he saw her. She would lift her head, but before her lips could utter anything he was at her side. She would lean into his comforting presence, "I'm.. Fine. Alpine, I..." she would sigh, a deep worried sound seeping from her lips. "Alpine, I think I'm.. Pregnant." her words were quiet, filled with fear. Twig's form would push into Alpine's side, little trembles running over her skin.?

I can talk!