
Sound of Pulling Heaven Down [B]

Twig I


05-29-2014, 05:45 PM

The quiet she wolf would watch the bird as he hopped over to her shoulder. His eye would be caught by the silver fur there, his examination continuing afterwards. He would call her marking pretty and the girl's ears would fall back in humbleness, a slight flush to her cheeks. "I was born with it there. It's a marking like the green on your feathers." his jumpy movements would bring him back to her front as she explained her emotions to him. He would answer her, and a smile would come to her face at his bold yet amusing words. A dance just for her as he proclaimed the protection he could offer. ?Her bell like laugh would join in with his as her mind found itself distracted from her fears. "I'm glad to know I'm in good.. Feathers now." she would smile as he turned back around, his excitement of her promise evident. He would flap his wings and sound his enjoyment as he promised to show her all of the places the rabbits hid. "Yes, just help me catch three rabbits and a whole one will be for you." she nodded, still sure of her skills. "I'm Twig by the way, if you wanted to call me something other than 'woof" she would tell him as her body was pushed from the ground. Her stature was quite ready, her senses still in tune to catch the prey ahead of them. It was good to get her mind off her possible, or rather probably pregnancy.?