
On The Edge of Glory


05-29-2014, 06:42 PM

The clouds were beginning to grow in size and depth, making them that much more formidable. Lekan felt his stomach tighten a bit. This storm could be one of the worst he had ever seen. They needed to find shelter now, before things really began. The young brute smiled warily as his new friend as he spoke of a home that was far away and agreed that they should find a place to rest until things blew over. Their golden pelts were already being thrown into a violent wind. The submissive gentleman had to shout to be heard, a thing that he rarely did. "Follow me, Anthem. Let's find a cave."

His medium frame shuddered in the oncoming storm. The two males moved into the trees, and instantly the wind seemed to die down. Bright amethyst eyes searched desperately for refuge, eventually spotting a dark overhang that seemed to be covering a cave of some sort. They followed a narrow path into the heart of a deep cavern, one that was quiet and warm and would be ideal for spending the night. Lekan sighed in relief and sent a grateful prayer to the skies. He turned to the simple wolf behind him and returned to a basic form of speech. "Should be safe here. Storm cannot reach us. You can sleep if you like." Perhaps Anthem would not want to sleep. The lesser brute knew that his nerves were certainly on edge, and rest would most likely elude him for an hour or two. If the simple man did not sleep, then they could talk. Learn more about each other. Lekan thought that he would like that.