
Live That Fantasy


05-29-2014, 06:53 PM

The snowy woman would tense up as Kristoffer stood, anger clear on his face. But it soon subsided with an irritated grumble and a thinly veiled warning. She wasn't sure what had saved her from his abuse, but she was grateful for it, whatever it was. He would shake out his dark, handsome coat and send over a grin as Adelaide made her attractive proposal. The maiden breathed a sigh of relief when he agreed, turning away to leave without another argument. Her promise for tomorrow had saved her from today, but something told her there was no turning back now. She would need to go through with everything, whether she enjoyed it or not. She would keep herself safe from any further injury. Her blue eyes lifted expectantly when Kristoffer turned around with a smirk. Just howl. He would deliver.

As soon as the words met her ears, a vacant shiver would creep down her spine. Was it fear or pleasure that made her fur rise? Was she anticipating that last night with a feeling of excitement or dread? Either way, the healer would tighten her black lips into a line. She hoped she wouldn't live to regret this. It was just a fling, she was being safe. For goodness sake, it was winter. Her season was far away, and so was Kristoffer by now. She need only spend one more glorious night with him. Ten everything would be forgotten.

If only it were that easy...