
Sound of Pulling Heaven Down [B]


05-29-2014, 10:39 PM

[Image: B_zpsb4466829.png]

B, Just B

He was too busy trying to peel off the pretty cross to notice that the wolf was blushing, it was so close to coming off! But he felt her fur, and her words confirmed that it was part of her fur. "Such a strange marking, caw! B has never seen one like it, very nice, very nice!" He said, hoping before her once more. And then she laughed, oh what a pretty sound! He loved that sound, it was like his many shines clanking together. Yes, a very nice sound. He bobbed his head in agreement with his own thoughts, his small stomach rumbling as she teased him so with a full rabbit. B squinted his golden eyes at her, turning his head to the side so he could look at her with one full eye. "Pretty woof is not teasing B, is she? Because B won't like that, oh no! B will follow you and steal your pretty cross." He cackled a laugh though, knowing that the light-hearted wolf would not lie to him.

The pretty wolf told him that her name was Twig which made him clack his beak. Too short a name for him to make a nickname for her. "Well pretty Twig, follow B! Yes, yes, caw! Follow B!" Hopping a few steps the crow unfurled his wings and took to the sky, keeping himself low as she dodged the trees around the lake. He looked down to make sure that she was following him okay, keeping low enough that the wolf could see him. He looked up just in time to dodge out of the way of a low hanging twig. "Pretty Twig, watch out for the twigs, caw!" The bird cackled in laughter over his joke, B was so funny! Yes, silly silly B!

B saw one of the many rabbit holes, one that he knew had some fat bunnies in it. Swooping down, he landed on the earth smoothly and eased his wings to his side. Poking his head into the whole, he tried to see if the rabbits were inside. "Rabbits! B wants to see you! Come see B!" He called, not realizing that the rabbit was standing a few hops away from him, staring at him as he cawed into the hole. "B won't hurt you, but pretty Twig might, caw! Big bad pretty woof will get you!"