
Almost Famous



6 Years
05-30-2014, 02:27 PM

"I probably could, but that would make me a trespasser. My pack maybe allied with my father, but we aren't the same pack. Tortuga is my own, Glaciem is his. I'm not one to simply ignore borders." Funny, because she could imagine Isardis prancing right over his daughter's border without a care in the world. Really, what was she going to do if he did?

Roman was a good listener, allowing Azalea to tell her story. When she stopped, Roman spoke up. "If you didn't want it... doesn't that make it rape?" Azalea looked away from the wolf, who seemed rather disturbed, to think on that question. "No. It wasn't rape. I would never..." She stopped, frustrated at the thought. By all accounts it WAS rape but she would never, could never, let herself believe it. "I didn't want it but my body did. It disgusts me to think how much I couldn't help but enjoy it. Our hormones are cruel."

With a heavy exhale Azalea looked back up to Roman and shrugged. No changing the past. "So, what else would you like to know? How about how it all started? How my best friend met him when she was only a year old and Isardis desired her, a child at the time, enough to start a hate fest on my pack? He started a war, he wanted us wiped from the face of this earth. And even after he had gotten what he wanted, Liberty, he conned that white bitch Artemis into challenging for Valhalla and when she won his final blow was this: All of my family, my pack, even myself all free to go... with two exceptions. Two pups whose sin was being born would go back to Glaciem."

"Anything since then I know nothing of but I can say that things seem calmer now and Valhalla seems to have arranged a deal. I will see have my sons back soon."

It felt like half of a story, or rather a fraction of one. Her story was only one of all those effected. So many had their own accounts of their own affects. What about Vixe? Pressured to preform for his leader. He went mad on the battlefield and lover faced lover as the two men she yearned so much for prepared to rip each other apart. Her father had put an end to Vixe's life. It was a tragedy, there was no heroism in the act. So many wolves had their lives altered.
