



7 Years
06-22-2014, 06:38 PM

The male was determined to get better, to get stronger and achieve his goals. Wishing for it to happen would not give him what he desired, however, so he had to work for it. He would make his way to the battlefield, the place to gain skill, to gain experience, and to learn from mistakes. For now he sough only spars, so that he could prepare and better himself. Perhaps he would help another gain experience as well, and sharpen their skills so that they could stand for all that they believed. So that they too cold take what they desired. It would be a win win situation he was sure... So long as his opponent did not seek to conquer the world. Still, that was a chance he was just going to have to take.

He would arrive in time to hear the howl of someone seeking an opponent. It saved him from doing it instead, so he would decide to answer. The two-toned brute would follow the call, bringing him to a woman of beauty. But her call had made it clear that her desire was to battle and so, with a polite dip of his head, he would speak, keeping his words brief; ?Let us better each other. I hope to be a worthy opponent for you.?

Those words spoke he would set his defenses. Legs spread equally apart, bent at the knees, would be planted firmly upon the earth. Shoulders would roll forward as he lowered his head, aligning it with his spine, and raising his tail to do the same. Neck would scrunch up, giving added defense the area, as chin tipped forward. Stomach would tuck and tense, fur raising along his hackles. Ears pinned back and eyes narrowed, seeking to protect the areas that were vital and easy to harm. He was ready, and he hoped that he would do well.

Rounds:: Zero || One || Two || Three {If Three Is Okay With You}
Attacks:: None.
Defenses:: Legs Spread Equally Apart And Planted || Knees Bent || Shoulders Rolled Forward || Head Aligned With Spine || Tail Raised, Aligned With Spine || Neck Scrunched || Chin Tipped Forward || Stomach Tucked And Tensed || Fur / Hackles Raised || Ears Pinned || Eyes Narrowed
Injuries:: None.
Notes:: If three rounds is no good feel free to change it to whatever, dear. xD