
New life for a new day


06-22-2014, 07:19 PM

It had been a miracle that she even made it to the pack meeting, her sides had grown substantially in comparison to her narrow frame, the woman looked ready to pop at any minute. As agreed, her and Ares had moved the den, finding a nice and quiet place near the lake. It was perfect. She had slowly made her way to the lake for a drink when a sudden pain rippled across her belly. She would wince, her back arching as she gasped for a breath. Eyes would clench shut until the pain subsided. A bark would leave her dark maw, hoping it was loud enough for Ares to hear. The woman would turn, retracing her steps back to the den. Contractions would shoot across her belly again, causing the woman to grasp and her steps to falter. It felt like an eternity before she finally slipped back into the safety and comfort of her den.

Limbs would fold beneath her, jaws parted in a heavy pant, her sides heavy as the contractions grew closer and closer together. She could only hope that Ares would arrive soon. Audits fell back loosely against her skull as her eyes would close. Discomfort caused her to fidget restlessly as she waited for Ares. Her body instinctively pushed her and closer to the edge, ready to expel her children into the world. A low whine would slip from black jaws as the contractions where merely constant, her body instinctively pushing, without her constant.

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