
Death has laid his claim


05-30-2014, 02:49 PM

Voice would breach her audits, though they didn't make sense. She would jump as someone touched her, there words still not making sense. Icy eyes struggled to focus on the figure, one that was slightly familiar. A howl thundered in her skull, eyes shifting the a second woman, one she recognized as the Marquis. "Whats happening?" The cold grasp her, causing her bodice to vibrate in an attempt to stay warm. Blood continued to drip down her face, burning her eyes and matting her pelt. She needed to find her mother, they needed help. She knew nothing about this disease. Would she die from it? Was this the end for her? The girl swayed on her paws, panic filling her chest. Though that panic quickly turned to aggression. A growl filled her chest cavity, hackles lifting as lips curled back to reveal ivory daggers. A snarl shattered the silence, her tail lashing angrily behind her. Stone cold gaze would turn on the nearest, Meinx. Jaws would unhinge as the girl lunged forward in an attempt to grab a hold of the other girls neck. The rage she was felt was unlike anything she ever imagined, she was out of control, unstoppable, and unreasonable.

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