


05-30-2014, 02:52 PM

The cobalt man did in fact want to make a good impression but he wanted his kin to know he was no threat. The man was often an ass to the bitches he claimed, but it was different with a pack or family in some cases. He would treat his pack differently then he does the girls he plays with. Unless some of his pack mates wanted to do the deed, which was likely. Who could resist Kristoffer Armada? The man was royalty and very handsome. The man watched as the red woman sat on her haunches and relaxed. As the babe spoke he nodded with understanding. The pale King did not let many leave without struggle. "He does not let a lot of people leave. But, he did not like me. See, I was a threat to him and he was afraid I would take his ladies. I slowly slipped away and out of his radar. Leaving me to be forgotten. I doubt he has even noticed I left, due to the fact I left Alactrica a while back." He was sure that Isardis hasnt even spared him a thought in a long time. The next line of words Sibelle let forth was to be unsaid. Obviously Kristoffer would not join a pack with a target on his ass. "I am sure there is no target on my back at this moment. I would not put my future pack in harms way. And, if there is an issue in the future I would leave before things got out of hand. We all know how Isardis can blow shit out of proportion." He spoke with common sense and he would stick to his word.
