
Dawn of Gods


05-30-2014, 03:14 PM

It wasn't often that Kylar left her side for very long but she forced him to from time to time so the pack didn't fall apart. But today, something was wrong. A howl echoed into her den from a stranger she didn't know. For a moment she thought it was someone seeking acceptance, but then she realized it was far to close to be at the border. Eyes narrowed with agitation. Trespasser. Sick or not, the Queen was about ready to kill someone. "Stay here and don't come out until I return." Coral gaze shifted to her daughter, pinning her with a hard stare until the girl nodded. The silver Queen would slip from her den, crown lifting high, tail curling over her lips. A shiver racked her body, her back arching as she took a moment to empty her stomach. A growl vibrated her chest cavity as she shook herself out and headed toward the source. Every so often she would leave the den to wash the blood off her face, but the bloodied tears kept falling.

It would take her some time, but finally the Queen would arrive. Coral gaze swept the scene before her, an exasperated sigh leaving her dark lips. All hell had broken loose. Neios and Meinx were attacking a pale figure, and Kylar had gone after a pale female. What the fuck was going on? Who were these wolves and what in the hell did they think they were doing. Eyes narrowed, thug the Queen said nothing, merely observing the chaos that was unfolding. She did not have the time or patience for this bullshit. Her face remained stoney, void of any emotion as ears swiveled, listening for any more dumb fucks that thought they could trespass.