
Sound of Pulling Heaven Down [B]


05-30-2014, 08:07 PM

He watched as the dame bit easily into the rabbit, something he would have had to work at for a bit. The scent hit him head on and he cawed at the dame, pacing as he waited for her to eat. His scavenging instincts kicked in and he wanted at it, but he had promised the dame that she was allowed half. B hopped backwards to allow her and himself some more room, focusing on preening his feathers to let the female eat in peace. He was intrigued about riding on her back, how that would look marching around. That helped him keep his mind off the food for awhile.

Twig stepped back and the bird hopped forward, pulling off the flesh of the juicy rabbit. Snapping his beak together he flapped his wings as he tipped back his head and picked apart at the rabbit. When he was done, he wiggled his body and playfully fell down onto his back. "B is so fuul that pretty Twig has to carry him home!" He squawked, suddenly realizing he had no idea where this wolf was from. "Where does Twig live? Does Twig live with many other woofs?" He asked, cocking his head to and fro in his normal manner.