
Sound of Pulling Heaven Down [B]

Twig I


05-30-2014, 08:57 PM

The crow would take the motion and hop onto his meal, his odd eating style easily downing the rest of the carcass. She had found her way to the earth, her haunches curled beneath her and front legs extended before her. Orchid gaze would turn to the bird, his body falling to the ground satisfied. She would giggle at him as he repeated what was to happen. She certainly would not mind taking him home, he'd been a great help and best of all he'd gotten her thoughts off darker matters. She would again be distracted by his words, he wanted to know where she took up residence. "Right now... I live on the borders of this pack. Valhalla. There's a disease running rampant through the lands, and it's not safe for my mate and I to live inside the borders." her voice was kind of sad, she missed her brother and wanted desperately to see him. "That's why I needed so many rabbits, I'm helping to feed the sick." she would try and smile, there was still hope for them she couldn't give up. "But where does B live? With other crows perhaps?" she would tilt her head slightly with the question. Where would she need to take him?
