
autumn chillin'



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
05-30-2014, 09:05 PM

Esti quickly composed herself, her heart still beating a little fast. The little black rat started talking all angry and fast. Esti cocked her head at the pup's sass, demanding he take back her words, "Not gonna take it back, you're little." she stated lazily, giving a half-hearted snap at the pup's tongue, which was sticking out at her. As the girl blabbered on, Esti fluffed out her fur, putting it on end, trying to emphasize how much bigger and badder she was than the runt in front of her. The girl kept stamping her paw around, like that helped anything. She finished with some retort about fish that probably would have been relevant if Esti was listening. She wasn't. Instead she was thinking about what she was going to say next and blurted it out right when the pup stopped her rant, "Yeah, well if you're so big and can take care of yourself, come at me again." she challenged, as if the pup had come after her first, "Or maybe you're too scared. Prolly scared, and I'm not even that scary, wait till ya see bears that wanna rip ya apart and angry bucks that wanna poke your eyes out with their horns."
Okay, so Esti hadn't even seen a bear or an angry buck yet, but she heard they were both big and fairly scary. She stood there with a smug little grin waiting for the pup to do something, knowing she was big enough to be in control of the situation. When she had control, there was no reason to worry, she reasoned, forgetting completely that the pup belonged to someone and that she was in a pack land. It simply didn't matter; she had control. "Speech"