
Death to Alacritis (Cairo/)



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-08-2013, 09:16 AM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2013, 09:24 AM by Epiphron.)

The blast came with little warning. Everything happened suddenly; the Glaciem pack had arrived just in time to warn them of the approaching doom. With little hesitation, and no looking back, young Epiphron took off away from her home, following closely behind her siblings and Erani. They didn?t have the chance to escape the blast completely, despite their best efforts, though they escaped the worst danger that certainly befell the wolves who had not been so lucky.

Behind them, a powerful roar echoed over the island as the ancient volcano burst. The eruption sent lava pummeling down the sides of the towering mountain, a vast cloud of smoke rising up over the island and blocking the sun from view. Ash spewed out as if being pushed out from Mother Earth herself. The ash rained down on the landscape, mingling with the snow as it fell, creating a strange gray blanket over the earth.

Epiphron showed no signs of fear, though inwardly the she-wolf was alight with panic and confusion. Instead she maintained her docile composure, a picturesque fa?ade of serenity and grace that she strove to uphold. Even the quakes of the earth, rippling far across the land, made her naught but stumble slightly. It was easy to pick herself up, eyes pinned on Erani as though the healer was her only guidance.

There was no sign of her father, which made Epiphron?s belly churn and make the yearling direct herself more towards Erani, the female that she had grown so close to following her mother?s death. They were quite the pair, even similar in appearance, which drew the youngster even more to the interesting wolf. They both had pelts the color of snow, and eyes that glimmered like rare sapphires. She was entrancing to Epiphron, full of wisdom and knowledge that she hungered for already. How she would peer over her shoulder, watching everything Erani did, absorbing the information like a sponge. Even now, she looked to her for answers, her brilliant eyes pinned to the elder wolf, asking questions silent that she expected to answers to: did you know the earth was capable of such destruction, Erani? Where is the rest of the pack? Will we ever return to our home? Where is father?

But despite her attachment to Erani, her father was even dearer to her, and his absence was unsettling. But still she ran onward, her strong little legs impacting roughly with the ground as the wolves traversed onward and away from the destruction. Left paw followed a red-furred right one, each step noted carefully in her mind. Left, right, left, right? She spoke the words inside her head, eyes pinned straight ahead. The ash continued to fall, and she shook her head, even briefly batting at her face with a paw to remove the soot that struggled to obscure her vision. The simple counting of steps kept her grounded, and kept her mind from wandering to other things; the wolves that had perished, her father?s absence, and the loss of homeland that they certainly had just suffered.

The journey went on, a silent march away from everything familiar and into the unknown. Night fell rapidly, partially obscuring the wolves from one another. Knowing she was not seen quite as clearly in the dark of night, Epiphron was able to relax. It was as though a large weight had landed on her shoulders and abruptly had worn her down. Tired paws grew sore, and the she-wolf wasn?t able to hide the slight limp that crept into her step. Luckily, Erani suggested they stop for the night, and Epiphron whined in slight agreement. Rest was needed.

She sniffed around a bit herself, shaking the collected soot from her pelt. Tomorrow would surely call for a bath, as the thick ash seemed embedded in her thick white pelt. The female wrinkled her nose gently, though knew this was no time for vanity ? there were far more important matters to attend to.

Erani spotted the hollowed out trunk first, and Epiphron eagerly climbed inside. The warmth of her siblings was a godsend, and the female curled against them gratefully. It wasn?t long before the female drifted off into a restless sleep, taunted by nightmares of fire and smoke.