
>> we will all burn together.


05-30-2014, 10:29 PM
[Image: 20eokhj.png]



As another sigh of discontent and discomfort fell from the brutes lungs like magma from the core of a volcano, a feeling of heaviness to the breath, he allowed his eyes to sink as well. Silver gaze practically at a grey, dingey and dissolved as he would push himself forward, staring into the earth as to watch his step. He felt his sigh surface about his feet in a wave of overwhelming boredom and exhaustion.

Suddenly, his feet ceased to bring him forward. The obsidian colored brute slowly lifted his dial from it's parallel position along the earth, weaving between his rotating shoulder blades with an over done physical motion of his withers falling up and down with his every step, thick and wide they stood out against his lifted neck, thick and on alert now, the ebony male flared his nostrils, feet softening into the moss, pads of his paws momentarily freezing beneath him. Paying no attention to the sensation as he allowed his silver opals to focus, snapping him from the daze he traveled in for the time being, a constant state of exhaustion and boredom. He didn't long to no longer be alone, yet somehow the scent of another allowed his senses to feel that overwhelming sense of excitement and brief heavy interest. His auds swiveled forward over his thick skull, tall, thick brute would allow his gaze to suddenly catch a light of violet and azul, the brightness of them took him in and he found himself staring intently at their direction, her scent was strong and his interest was peaked if only for a moment.

Like honey they hit him, her words as soft as she looked, the brute did not change position. His dulled gaze no longer was the texture and color of the fog, but now of a brighter silver, sharp and consistent... it brightened. He remained leisurely in the way he stood and his position, not submissive, but no ruler of the roost by any means. He was strong, his physique tense and ready, but his attention curious and caught by the dove approaching him slowly. His vocals took a while before sounding, thunderous and deep they matched the color of his obsidian pelt, "Hello, dove." His ebony dial would relax, his nose turning down for a moment and brought back up to level again in a brief greeting to the fae. Turning his dial away from her though keeping his gaze head on, he observed her.