
Take me down


04-02-2013, 02:30 PM


With a ivory flash of a snarl, Champion threw herself forward. She could care less what the male had said in his back and forth musings. He was willing to fight her and that was what she wanted. Now, she?d sized him up in first moments she?d seen him. This was a creature who knew hardship and fighting, so there?d be no underestimating. But at the same time, Champion knew her strengths. She was over a full head his better when it came to height and she had a great deal more muscle.

Of course, some opponents in the past had come to think that this made her slow.

They soon learned. In her early days she?d had to keep up with even the smallest, weaseliest recruits of her pack. In Tortuga she?d trained under Secret, who could strike like black lightning. She knew what it was to hunt deer and rabbit and birds. Slow, wasn?t an option.

The male was ready for her charge ? she?d seen his muscles twitching into place as soon as she moved. He was too smart to try to plant his feet and take the charge of a bear head first ? he moved aside, no doubt planning on some sort of counter ? for which Champion kept an eye out.

But a rush wasn?t the end of her attack. She didn?t shoot herself like an arrow ? so easily dodged and evaded. She expected the stranger to move, and when he did, she moved with him ? turning on a dime and quickly swinging her broadside out of reach - she went in for a hold now. ? not on his throat ? but on the side - right below where his skull met his neck. The same place where one might hold even an adder in relative safety.

Champion?s great force was behind his. Her teeth that could shred hides and crack spines - were after his blood. But she wasn?t so wrapped up in her attack that she became a mindless beast. With jaws unhinged and her neck tucked, her throat was an unattainable target. Her hindquarters had swiveled about ? so that she faced the male with the least about of body showing ? and even of that ? her chest was now guarded with iron colored claws ? the biggest a wolf could grow ? that churned up before her as she ran.

The male wasn?t getting out of this match unscathed.


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~

ATTACKS:Charging at him - as he sidesteps, she goes to bite the side of his neck - just under the skull

DEFENSES: whipping her hind end away to keep her facing him, guarding her chest with her claws, keeping her neck tucked and jaw hinged to guard her throat


ROUND: 1 of 3