
Soothing waters, soothing company



7 Years
05-31-2014, 02:15 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had been counting on her words to push Bane toward action and was rewarded far more than anticipated for her teasing. His muzzle ducked, nosed beneath her chin, and all too obligingly Tahlia bent her head back, eyes closing blissfully at each touch while her heart only continued to race faster. Yes, she agreed silently. She did like that. Still smiling as his muzzle moved from below her chin to the base of her throat, the series of gentle nips he placed there drew out a quiet gasp, a shiver, and she squirmed eagerly beneath his teasing touch. Yes. She particularly liked that too.

More dizzying kisses, more grazing bites, were what she expected, but he moved instead, not away but closer. He brought himself over her, pinning her in place, and her eyes opened to stare with tense anticipation up into his face as he straddled her. Her breath caught in her chest. Yes. Already beginning to anticipate what it meant - or did he simply mean to wind her up as far as he could just to watch her squirm? - she shifted onto her back, forepaws rising again to hold his sides. More kisses - on her nose, her muzzle, her lips, her face - only proved to pull her more taut, a thin whine whispering from her muzzle as she met his smiling gaze across their touching noses with a look that was full of desire and longing. Oh gods, and that wonderful growl. Did he know the effect he had on her?

Her paws wrapped more securely around him and hugged him tightly, certain she could never get close enough to him to ever satisfy. The feel of his soft bites, now being given behind her shoulders, brought out quick little shudders in her frame, each more delightful than the last. "Bane," she breathed into the fur of his shoulder, still far from catching her breath though, as he had already pointed out, she liked it that way, "Bane." Her voice was pleading, begging, wanting him to keep going, to go further, to keep her breathless.