
Don't you cry no more



5 Years
05-31-2014, 11:22 AM

Raisa had been entrenched deeply in sleep, her mind afloat in a foggy haze of what had already come to pass and half remembered faces. The queen had taken to ebbing and flowing with their tides, surrendering her mind to the wiles of forces she had no hope to control. It was comforting, in a sense, to be so powerless. Even the nightmares were a relief, knowing she could feel and hope and despair, all without the threat of true failure looming over her neck like a guillotine. In this void, this world which was hers and hers alone, she was free. It would not last, though. Voices called out to her, hushed and warped by the distance between where their souls lay at rest. Their volume and clarity built, drawing Raisa to the surface rapidly and without mercy. In a sudden panic, she awoke, with only a slight twitch to prove she had been jarred into this reality far more drastically than she would have preferred. She took a deep breath, feeling her lungs expand within her chest, drawing in the scent of the children, the ones she had taken in. Such sweet pups, yet so sad, she thought. They were lost before they were born, she mused sadly, recalling perhaps the last vestiges of a murky dream. Is there truly a place in this world for a motherless child? Have I damned myself, placing my iron will between them and the gods who had damned them? To be perfectly honest, Raisa had had mixed feelings about taking them in, not long after the milk began to flow. They had grown quickly, proven to be strong and healthy, and this had shocked her. What creatures born of blood and death could be made so stout by the very powers who had sought their end? It made no sense, but perhaps that was all the more reason not to think on the actions and wiles of the deities. Perhaps they meant nothing at all. Perhaps Raisa had once more gotten herself in over her head. Her own children lacked her attention, and she knew it. Guilt ate at her, no matter what she chose. Any path she had picked since coming to this land seemed to have lead her astray... Even Ebony seemed to be fraying, growing weak and distant... She sat up slowly, shaking away the sleepy haze that lingered, and her darker thoughts. "I am awake, children," she said soft and sweet. She looked up to Hajime and smiled, wondering if he had noticed anything out of the ordinary.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!