
Paws and Claws


04-24-2013, 02:09 AM
Allaire felt like she was holding her breath, she was so on edge for the upcoming verdict, what would this Alpha do to punish her trespassing, she knew from her birth pack that if someone was found in the land without permission her parents would catch them and then take them so far into the desert that the wolf would not know what way was out and then let the wolf go. He would either die of exposure or get out using his resources. Most of the time the family would find the wolven's body eaten by the buzzers, for not many could live in the barren wasteland that was a desert like a lobo. But where would this wolven do to her, she does not have the solitude of sands to let natures do its coarse. No they would have to do something more direct...

But the verdict never came, instead the alpha invited them to stay, her and even the rude brute. The little gild smiled her thanks up to the black fellow, showing him that she was thankful him sticking up for her as she did for him. It seemed that this male was not as bad as his first impression led her to think. She continued to tell the duo that it was infect an infestation, another concept Allaire did not understand. Growing up in a barren wasteland, all life was honored, form the smallest shrub to the largest buzzer, they where all praised for the part they played in there home. But all that aside Allaire respected this female, she could tell she was a strong Alpha, someone that took no shit but yet knew when to yield to kindness. Maybe, just maybe her search for her notch in life was over, maybe this female could put Allaire to good use... Where her parents could not.

Allaire smiled up at the orange swirling female, paying no mind to the mean little black creature that accompanied her, for surely it was not all that mean, it was just acting that way to the cat.... Right? "I wasn't planning on staying, but I think I may have found my destination... If everything was all right with you that I wish to stay?" She hoped that this very large and very intimidating alpha would see how scrappy and useful she could be, even though she was small, smaller then most wolves that she had meet on her travels...